
(We can answer for your call only in opening hours.)

On our hotline, we can only provide general information. Our customer service cannot assist with ticket purchases or modifications, availability inquiries, or questions regarding already booked birthday parties. Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section before calling. You may find answers to many questions there.


Lamačská cesta 5959/1,
841 05 Bratislava

Parking is free for our visitors.


The trampoline park is closed on December 24th and 25th, on 31st of December we are open till 16.00. On other days of the year - even on holidays - the park is open.

The opening times of the Cyberjump Trampoline Park are as follows:

Monday - Friday: 14.00-20.00
Saturday - Sunday and: 10.00-20.00

The opening times during the school breaks:

Monday- Sunday 10:00 - 22:00

* We reserve the right to change the opening hours. Please follow us on our social media to stay informed of changes in a timely manner!
* Our doors open 30 minutes before start, every day, so our costumers jumping in the first hour, can validate their tickets without any rush.

If you have any complaints or comments about your visit to our park, click on the link bellow and share your opinion with us!

If you have any questions, requests or problems related to bookings, ticket purchases, registration, birthdays, please write to or!

Company info

Cyberjump Slovakia s.r.o
(IČO: 52 521931)
Pribinova 10, 81109 Bratislava, Slovakia